Weight Optimization | Gut Health |
Disease Prevention

Take the guess work out of nutrition

to Epiphany

Genetic Testing & Nutrition

At Epiphany, we understand how frustrating it can be to experience a lack of progress in regards to your nutrition. Arbitrarily trying every popular diet on the market today and still not seeing the results you want is enough to make anyone want to quit. We take the guessing game away from achieving optimal nutrition by going straight to the source for the answer – your genetics. Your DNA holds the key to understanding the what, when, and how your body can optimally and efficiently eat. Whether you are seeking weight loss, muscular hypertrophy, or just a balanced lifestyle. Epiphany can get you the answers you need.

Why Trust
Us For nutrition?

Enjoy Food with Peace of Mind
cutting edge genetic testing

Provides us the information to remove the guess work from what foods you should be consuming, and your optimal consumption windows.

Utilmate privacy

Many genetic testing sites, whether nutrition or heritage based, will sell or data or offer it freely when certain entities request it. We will never sell or give away your data.

Value for Money

Not only do we discover what foods your body is best suited to digest and utilize, we also offer supplemental services to maximize our value.

Safety Comes First

Our process is 100% safe and non invasive. All we need is a simple mouth swab to send to our laboratory. Then we just wait for your results.

Environmental Responsibility

All of our companies are low carbon emissions, which is also why we provide local meal delivery services to supplement your test results via Fusion Fit Meals.

Small Groups

Whether it's at a local gym or in a park one tier personal trainers will be happy to assist you on your fitness journey.

Why Choose Us?


With our technology, efficiency, supplemental services, and support – how could you miss out on an opportunity like this? Once we have your results in hand, the most difficult part is over. All that you need is to comply with the breakdown provided via the test, and with our top tier service and team to guide you, how could you lose?