What We Do

Experience the power of breakthrough DNA technology in nutrition

Nutrition Via Genetics

Our German research and development team utilizes the latest genetic coding technology to provide you with extremely accurate information regarding the consumption of optimal foods during optimal times to yield the most impressive results with NO guessing games or trial and error.

Top seller

Fusion Fit

Remove the guesswork from nutrition and blast plateaus with our step-by-step walkthrough, then we can communicate your dietary needs, goals, and preferences to our Fusion Fit Team. Our All In One system means once we find out what works for you - we can immediately start prepping!


mobile personal training

You have the best nutrition coaching, why not have the best fitness coaching too? Our trainers have extensive backgrounds in functional biomechanics, and have coached pro card holders and world champions of sport. We also offer remote coaching if you're outside of the Central FL area.

Training Bundle